Modality Presential Course
Postgraduate Programm Doctor of Philosophy
Duration 8 Semesters



Doctoral Program in Education

The Graduate Program in Education (PPGEDU) has as its area of specialization Cultural Studies in Education. It aims at the qualification of teachers and professionals from different areas, to examine the pedagogical dimension of cultural practices such as teaching, filmmaking, writing, reading, consumption and consumerism, school activities and other cultural practices. The theoretical-conceptual approach articulates culture and education, taking as research fields cultural artifacts such as films, newspapers, new media, literature, magazines, laws, curricula among others. At the doctoral level, research groups carry on studies, which articulate culture and education, developing investigations, which contribute to the qualification of teachers and researchers engaged in elementary education and in the undergraduate level.    

Ulbra Canoas - Avenida Farroupilha, 8001 · Bairro São José · CEP 92425-900 · Canoas/RS Telefone: + 55 51 3477.4000 · E-mail: