Research laboratories

Culture and Education Research (GPCE)

The program has a laboratory, linked to fields of research - Childhood, Youth and Educational Spaces; Science, Technology and Curriculum; Education and Change Policies - and it brings together research by teachers and their students.

The laboratory focuses on tasks for achieving the following objectives: research into the formation methods used during childhood and adolescence, conceived and developed within and outside school spaces, analyzing the sociocultural processes that constitute them; investigation into problematic power-knowledge relations instituted in and by digital sciences and technologies, at the crossroads with contemporary educational policies, investigating the role of technologies and sciences in the processes of identity formation, in the processes of subjectivation and in the representation policies in school classes, in the curriculum and in the most varying cultural situations; researches focusing on the way in which discourses contribute to structure the school practices and the multiple cultural representations that constitute them, discussing theoretical unfolding of the concepts of identities and differences, as well as the representational policies and the strategies implied in the formation of gender positions, ethnicity, nationality, profession, social class, etc.

In the laboratory associated with the Program, a number of actions are taken regularly to further integrate undergraduate students (scholarship recipients and volunteers) with the program's faculty and students, among which the following stand out: a) scientific research training for scholarship recipients, relating to the preparation of abstracts for congresses and scientific meetings; b) study sessions on themes involving teachers of the Program, masters and doctoral students as well as scholarship recipients involved in scientific research; c) selection, cataloging and archiving of cultural materials/artifacts (books, magazines, leaflets, videos) constituting the program's material collection. An integrated part of the laboratory is a sector library, with collections relating to the field of Cultural Studies in Education.

Ulbra Canoas - Avenida Farroupilha, 8001 · Bairro São José · CEP 92425-900 · Canoas/RS Telefone: + 55 51 3477.4000 · E-mail: